Agape House/Women in Provencher $1000 Bursary

The Women of Provencher Conference Committee awarded Agape House with a $1000 check to provide bursaries to women wishing to further their education or attend training in a chosen career field.

In 2001, the late David Iftody, former MP of Provencher, hosted a conference for women in the Provencher Region in Oakbank which was a ‘first’ in this region, and a big success. Iftody died unexpectedly later in 2001, following a snowmobile accident. David Iftody advocated for empowering women in becoming leaders, pursuing higher education and serving their community. He hosted a successful conference in Oakbank called Women in Provencher, bringing women together from all backgrounds, cultures and demographics to share their stories and encourage collaboration within the many organizations and worthwhile causes to improve quality of life in the Provencher region.

The Executive Director of Agape House in Steinbach, Tracy Whitby is thrilled to announce this latest initiative aimed at empowering women in our community;

We firmly believe that education is the cornerstone of personal empowerment and societal
progress. By providing women with access to educational opportunities, we are not just changing
individual lives; we are building healthier, more vibrant futures for our entire community. We are
proud to be part of this transformative journey, where we assist women in achieving their goals and
shaping their own destinies. Collaboratively, we can shape a future where every woman has access
to the support and empowerment crucial to their prosperity.

Tracy Whitby, Executive Director, Agape House Eastman Crisis Centre Inc.

By Director - May 17, 2024